Sold [Selling] US Season 9 1-70 Cheap Greater Rift Deals + Many Service! WOW sales

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kelvin Nguyen, 1/11/17.

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  1. Kelvin Nguyen

    Kelvin Nguyen
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    *I will match anyones price or beat it and complete it faster then anyone!*
    __________________________________________________ _
    __________________________________________________ _
    *Cheap Good Legit Service so why pay more?! Say nomore I am here!
    __________________________________________________ _
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    Every Order is Professional Done And Finish on Time!
    __________________________________________________ _
    *Custom Desires Deal*

    Want something that isn't listed here? Leaderboard records , Top player Advices , Gems , Materials , How to play,Certain Items, etc Anything ? No worries just message me and i will see if i can fulfill it

    *Price will be given on what you're asking for*
    Free Coaching on all orders + Free Vault Runs on Everyday

    From a Top Player with alot of experience in the Competitive Community Twitch
    All Service is handmade! and safe! NO BOTS!
    *Account share is not required but faster if so

    Powerlevel lvl 1-70 = $3 / Invite a friend for only $2 more
    takes less then 15minutes

    Vault Runs/Puzzle Ring = $4 ea run

    T11 A1-5 + Bonus cache = $5 ea / Invite a friend for only $2 more
    Once ready , you will be invited to get it

    (1x) Gem Level Boost 1-60 = $1.00 per run
    you choose gem level , you keep all legendary/ancients that you or I find

    (1x) Greater Rift Boost lvl 1-60 = $1.00 per run
    you choose greater rift lvl , you keep all legendary/ancients that you or I find

    (1x) T1-T13 Runs = $0.50 for 1 run
    you choose torment level , you keep all legendary/ancients that you or I find
    __________________________________________________ __________________
    How it works: I bring in 3 of the Same Class as yours so you get all legendary same as your class , we farm greater rift keys then run greater rifts after for paragon + more legendary + you get gem levels
    Note: If you play on the account yourself , your legendarys dont count towards mine and you get alot more!

    lvl 70 x50 Legendary Items for your class = $ 7 + free paragon

    lvl 70 x100 Legendary Items for your class + free paragon = $12

    lvl 70 x200 Legendary Items for your class + free paragon + free gem level + 10+ GreaterRift Runs lvl40-50 = $25

    lvl 70 x300 Legendary Items for your class + free paragon + free gem level + 15+ Greater Rift Runs lvl40-50 = $35

    x1 Gem level ( Any gem you pick ) 1-70 = $30
    FULL ANCIENT GEAR for your class

    Price: $150

    500m = $4
    1b = $8
    2b = $15
    3b = $22
    Hell fire Amulets T1 - T13 = $1 / 4 portals
    I open 4 portals and kill ubers for you to pick up
    minimum order : 10 runs
    Paragon Boost Service

    100 paragon = $15
    200 paragon = $28
    300 paragon = $40
    400 paragon = $52
    500 paragon = $64

    500-1000 paragon = Price based on your current paragon
    *Message for price , and tell me your current paragon so i can give a price
    Season Journey Conquest - Time duration to complete: 24 hr or less
    Get your extra stash tab now!

    Chapter 1-4 + Slayer/Champion/Destroyer/Conqueror = $8 per chapter

    Starter Pack Deal - Time duration to complete: 24 hr or less

    1-70 Power Leveling
    Up to 250 paragon may be higher
    3x Rank 30+ Gems
    2 Vault Runs/PuzzleRing
    Gems / Crafting Materials / Gold
    Over 100+ Lvl 70 Legendary Items for your class + More Legendary if you play youself!
    20 Legendary Gems
    15+ GreaterRift Runs lvl40+
    6 Piece Set item for your Class ( you pick which set )
    Kanai's Cube
    You get all the drops including legendarys / ancient that you find or that I find
    * Need help on the Lastest/Best Build for this Season Meta ? no problem with this order, I got you!*
    Want Other Things Included in this Deal that you had in mind? Np Just tell me and I will include in this offer for a different price

    [ Account sharing not required but will be faster if so ]
    = $20

    Can be used on existing account or new once purchased
    GREATER RIFT 60 PACKAGE DEAL - Time duration to complete: 24 hr or less

    1-70 Power Leveling
    2 Vault Runs/Puzzlerun
    Up to 500 paragon may be higher
    3x Rank 50+ Gems
    Gems / Crafting materials / Gold
    Kanai's Cube
    20 Legendary Gems
    20+ Greater Rift Runs lvl50+
    Over 150+ Lvl 70 Legendary items for your class+ More Legendary if you play yourself!
    6 Piece Set items for your Class ( you pick which set ) + Build + Some Ancient Gears
    Greater rift 60 Capability/Clear
    You get all the drops including legendarys / ancient that you find or that I find
    * Need help on the Lastest/Best Build for this Season Meta ? no problem with this order, I got you!*
    Want Other Things Included in this Deal that you had in mind? Np Just tell me and I will include in this offer for a different price

    [ Account sharing not required but will be faster if so ]
    = $45

    Can be used on existing account or new once purchased
    GREATER RIFT 70 PACKAGE DEAL - Time duration to complete: 24 hr or less

    1-70 Power Leveling
    2 Vault Runs/Puzzlerun
    Up to 600 paragon may be higher
    3x Rank 50+ Gems
    20+ Greater Rift Runs lvl 60+
    Gems / Crafting materials / Gold
    Kanai's Cube
    20 Legendary Gems
    Over 150+ Lvl 70 Legendary items for your class + More Legendary if you play yourself!
    6 Piece Set items for your Class ( you pick which set ) + Build + Some Ancient Gears
    Greater rift 70 Capability/Clear
    You get all the drops including legendarys / ancient that you find or that I find
    * Need help on the Lastest/Best Build for this Season Meta ? no problem with this order, I got you!*
    Want Other Things Included in this Deal that you had in mind? Np Just tell me and I will include in this offer for a different price

    [ Account sharing not required but will be faster if so ]
    = $56

    Can be used on existing account or new once purchased
    GREATER RIFT 80 PACKAGE DEAL - Time duration to complete: 72 hr or less

    1-70 Power Leveling
    2 Vault Runs/Puzzlerun
    Up to 700 paragon may be higher
    3x Rank 60+ Gems
    20+ Greater Rift Runs lvl 60+
    Gems / Crafting materials / Gold
    Kanai's Cube
    20 Legendary Gems
    Over 150+ Lvl 70 Legendary items for your class + More Legendary if you play yourself!
    6 Piece Set items for your Class ( you pick which set ) + Build + Ancient Gears + Caldesan Augments
    Greater rift 80 Capability/Clear
    You get all the drops including legendarys / ancient that you find or that I find
    * Need help on the Lastest/Best Build for this Season Meta ? no problem with this order, I got you!*
    Want Other Things Included in this Deal that you had in mind? Np Just tell me and I will include in this offer for a different price

    [ Account sharing not required but will be faster if so ]
    = $80

    Can be used on existing account or new once purchased
    GREATER RIFT 50 PACKAGE DEAL - Time duration to complete: 24 hr or less

    1-70 Power Leveling
    2 Vault Runs/Puzzlerun
    Up to 400 paragon may be higher
    3x Rank 50+ Gems
    20+ Greater Rift lvl 50+
    20 Legendary Gems
    Over 150+ Lvl 70 Legendary Items for your class+ More Legendary if you play yourself!
    Gems / Crafting materials / Gold
    Kanai's Cube
    6 Piece Set Items for your Class ( you pick which set) + Build + Some Ancient Gear
    Greater rift 50 Capability/Clear
    You get all the drops including legendarys / ancient that you find or that I find
    * Need help on the Lastest/Best Build for this Season Meta ? no problem with this order, I got you!*
    Want Other Things Included in this Deal that you had in mind? Np Just tell me and I will include in this offer for a different price

    [ Account sharing not required but will be faster if so ]
    = $40

    Can be used on existing account or new once purchased
    GREATER RIFT 40 PACKAGE DEAL - Time duration to complete: 24 hr or less

    1-70 Power Leveling
    2 Vault Runs/Puzzlerun
    Up to 300 paragon may be higher
    3x Rank 40+ Gems
    20+ Greater Rift Runs lvl40+
    20 Legendary Gems
    Over 125+ Lvl 70 Legendary items for your class+ More Legendary if you play yourself!
    Gems / Crafting materials / Gold
    Kanai's Cube
    6 Piece Set Items for your Class ( you pick which set) + Build
    Greater rift 40 Capability/Clear
    You get all the drops including legendarys / ancient that you find or that I find
    * Need help on the Lastest/Best Build for this Season Meta ? no problem with this order, I got you!*
    Want Other Things Included in this Deal that you had in mind? Np Just tell me and I will include in this offer for a different price

    [ Account sharing not required but will be faster if so ]
    = $30

    Can be used on existing account or new once purchased
    PM for Questions / Information about Service I will Explain Every Detail - Prices are # and I try my best to work with your budget
    I update Daily on Orders and Answer Questions on Skype
    I have 100% feedback score! and Verified! Over 100+ Order Completed with happy customers!

    Skype: Facebook.:kelvin.nguyen.77398 or Inbox Me

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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