Selling Selling Urgently sell your 4170 account paragon EU !!!

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alenka, 10/22/17.

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  1. Alenka

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    I sell my account 4170 paragon. I'm the sole owner of this account. I play every day so that at the time of sale the paragon can be higher.
    I sell my account only because I really need money. I can assure you that no account was involved at any time in the account, and this can be viewed in profile.
    The main caldessans :
    135 Trapped
    134 Stricken
    127 Zei's
    134 Thug

    + a lot others 120+
    80 + caldesan 100 +
    600+ reagents bounties , 3000+ the stone of the Nefalem portal.
    There are virtually all kinds of frames for the characters, as well as all kinds of wings including cosmic.
    4 players 130 GR, 3 players 120 GR , solo and 2 peoples has not yet run.
    Also I want to note that for all characters there are almost top things for all specializations. Amulets and top rings for all characters, all this I can demonstrate in any way suitable for you. You can see this through the profile of my account.
    I ended the past era with such indicators in the rating table:
    4 people top 10
    3 people top 10
    Solo cruz 27
    For my account, I set the price at $ 750 is too low price for such an account again I decided to sell it only because of the need for money. so I can assure that I am no deceiver for me, all the officers and the head of our clan can vouch!!!
    All the more detailed information I can tell in Skype, I will also do a demonstration of the monitor for a full and detailed inspection of my account. Skype will provide.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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