Sold Selling Urban Rivals Account

Discussion in 'Urban Rivals Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hunted420, 8/31/20.

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  1. Hunted420

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    I recently rediscovered this account. It has 5% of the collection completed, which is low, but for a long time I was only buying new cards for certain decks. It also has a few CRs and a couple of MTs too, as well as some high value cards, which are:

    - Drakorah Cr
    - Rage
    - Rex Sweig
    - 2x Wilde (1 max, 1 at first star)
    - Don Cr
    - Spiaghi Mt
    - El Divino
    - Tengu
    - Hawk
    - Uchtul Cr
    - Ongh Mt

    It's a level 40 account, it's also 10+ yrs old I think and it's collection is worth a little over 30 million Clintz. It's also my childhood account.

    My discord is Hidan#3514, feel free to ask for any questions there or simply message me here!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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