Selling Selling UPLAY - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Nick96, 7/29/17.

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  1. Nick96

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    Hello ,
    I'm selling my UPLAY account that has lvl 9 . It has only Tom Clancy's rainbow six siege . Currently in game level is 40 almost 41 and has left 4k renown . I has 10 operators unlocked : sledge , montagne , glaz , blitz , pulse , rook , kapkan and doc , fuze and blackbeard have skins and more stuff unlocked on them , including weapon atatchments . For more details u can contact me here or on email and skype : [email protected] . I would apreciate if the payment would be on paysafecard or maybie if u have csgo skins . Price it's 20$ # , maybie i can lower the price.
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