Uplay account that comes with full email and you can change if you want and you can change the password Games :Rainbow six siege that has season 1 pass.The account at the start of the season was GOLD 4 But now is bronze 3 List of operators for attackers: SLEDGE,ASH,TWITCH,THERMITE,GLAZ,FUZE,BLITZ,IQ,BUCK ,BLACKBEARD,CAPITAO AND HIBANA List of operators for defense : SMOKE MUTE PULSE DOC KAPKAN JAGER BANDIT FROST VALKYRIE CAVEIRA AND ECHO Dosen of operators have skins for weapons. Other games: -Assasins creed 3 -Beyond good and evil TM -Far cry 3 blood dragon -Prince of persia:The sands of time TM -Rayman origins -The crew(the game with cars) -And OG Tom clancy's splinter cell The reason i am selling this account is beacuse i dont have time to play games.Plus the r6s is now boring to me and i didnt play it in like 3 months.I repeat you get full account with ability to change the email and password,also you can change the name if you want ! The price that I am asking for is anywhere beetwen 20-4O EUROS.The money would be sent to me on paypal. More contact : skype vaso.todorovic2