Sold Selling Ue summoner hm10 721 ap + sin hm10 650ap

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NeilSori, 3/9/17.

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  1. NeilSori

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    SIN HM10 (650 AP)
    SUMMONER HM10 (721 AP)
    WARLOCK HM3 (400AP).

    My sin have legendary baleful (lvl 3) with 6 slots
    legendary pvp soulshield (1,2,3,4,5) mixed with pve citadel ebon drake (6,7,8)
    pve soulshield citadel ebon drake (1,2,4,6,8) mixed with pve desolate tomb soulshield (3,5,7).

    My Summoner have galaxy weapon (lvl5) with 4 slots
    Best pvp legendary soulshield on max stats def crit mixed with defi soulshield from infinite tower (6,7,8)
    Best pve legendary soulshield all on max critical stats up (1,2,3,4,5) mixed with pve desolate tomb soulshield (7,8,9)
    legendary pet panda lvl 1
    all accesories max lvl + legendary necklace lvl5 + amulet of nature.

    Stats in PVE : 713 AP + 7k5 critical + 2k5 critical damage + 89k hp.
    Stats in PVP : 703 AP + 4k critical + 2K5 perforation + 120 k hp + 3k7 critical defense.

    Pvp achievements : 2500/10 000 kills + gold 1V1 + gold 3V3 + gold 6V6.

    About account : Premium LVL 7 with 90 days (started on 18/02/2017)



    contact me on discord : Eyericah#1313
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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