Sold Selling Tyrr titan 102 / dual yul ghost sentinel 100 + iss doomcryer 99 + sos buffer99

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by R4yM4n, 2/24/17.

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  1. R4yM4n

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    Im selling my Accounts because i stop playing on Core

    1.Tyrr Titan lvl 102 with dualclass lvl 100 Ghost Sentinel
    2. Iss Doomcryer lvl 99 with around 50%
    3. Warsmith 92 / Shilen Knight lvl 99 (70%) (SoS Buffer) 3rd Class Char

    Equipment on the Titan:
    +8 Blessed Seraph Leahter Set 3x120 (Vesper Noble Appearance)
    Tauti Axe (2-Hand)
    +5 Blessed Zaken Earring
    +5 CoC - Special Stun Earring
    +5 Frintezza Soul Necklace
    +5 Ant Queen Soul Ring
    +5 Tauti Ring
    +7 Maphr Shirt
    Arias Bracelet +3 STR
    Venirs Talisman Stage 8
    Hellfire Talisman (red one)
    Hunter Talisman

    5 Slot Brooch (Radiant Brooch)
    lvl 3 Ruby
    lvl 3 Pearl
    lvl 3 Opal
    lvl 3 Diamond
    lvl 3 Emerald
    lvl 2 Obsidian
    lvl 2 red cats eye

    Char has +9 STR +3 CHA Dyes on Main

    Skill Enchants:
    Important Skills +5
    Second Wind +8

    the char has 8 Billion Adena and many other stuff for xp and other on it.
    Exalted Quest is nearly done, only one Siege is missing and its finished.

    Main and Dual have 16 AP ofcourse.

    Please make me offers, im selling only full Account with all Stuff on it including Adena

    The Chars were created and played by myself.

    2nd Account
    lvl 99 ISS Doomcryer with Eventgear no subclass
    the char has around 50% XP to lvl 100

    3rd Account:
    lvl 92 Warsmith with lvl 99 70% dualclass 3rd Class Dark Elf Tank for SoS Buff
    SoS - Spirit of Shilen is an very good buff wich give 90% crit dmg for blunts
    the char can enter all Instances even when its 3rd profession only

    We can also talk about a bundle price for all chars together.
    If someone is interested in all Equipment and make good offer, we can talk about this also.

    Please contact me with PN here in Forum or david_goliath85 on Skype

    Only Accepting Bank Transfer or Paypal payment as a Gift.
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