Selling TWO HotS Alpha Access accounts

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have two old botting accounts that I never use anymore that have received Heroes of the Storm Alpha access. I'm looking to sell both of them. I am the original owner of both accounts. Both have old wow accounts that have been banned along with HotS Alpha. I will provide all information of the accounts (email/secret q and a/even a picture of my ID if it makes you feel more secure.) I have a long history on of selling accounts both regular and beta with absolutely no complaints and only happy customers.

    Please post in this thread of a way to contact you if you're interested in purchasing one or both of my accounts and I will contact you shortly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sold to mmo-armory.

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