Sold Selling Two accounts br-elyo 1 songweaver, 1 templar (with more characters)

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Christian55, 7/4/17.

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  1. Christian55

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    Hi guys i want to sell two accounts.

    Server: Beritra elyos.

    Price: I want kinah in Siel-Asmo or $. Offert :)

    1_Account: (1 character)

    Character: Songweaver

    AC mythic +10 combined with BM mythic.
    Set 1: AC mythic +5 (PVE)
    Set 2: Army 2 +15. (boots +14)
    +6 magic boost.
    Accs: Bloodmark.

    2_Account: (4 characters)

    Character: Templar

    AC +5 eternal combined with weapon 13.2% pvp (Weapon pvp of event).
    Set: AC mithic +5.
    Plume: +5 attack.
    Accs: Bloodmark.

    Character 2: Ranger lv 65 (set event).
    Character 3: Spiritmaster lv 65 (set event).
    Character 4: Aethertech lv 54.

    PD: I can send photos.
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