Sold Selling TS Luffy + Sabo account, 7 legends, all rr required for ts luffy!

Discussion in 'One Piece Treasure Cruise OPTC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Blutzunge, 5/14/17.

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  1. Blutzunge

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    - ts luffy!
    - sabo!
    - sw ace
    - boa (fresh)
    - mihawk (fresh)
    - kuzan (fresh)
    - lucci (fresh)

    Good RR (only listing good ones, rest see on screenshots):

    Free spirit subs:

    sabo, boa, ace, duh?
    sw luffy (x2 red atk)
    sw franky (1.5 or boost for two turns + changes himself to matching)
    koala (x2 for fighters 1 turn)
    senior pink (1.5 orb boost for 1 turn + changes himself to matching)
    ts franky (2x orb boost for psy)
    jabra (1.75 orb boost for 1 turn)
    blue gilly (captain to matching orb, 3 times swapping and 7 hit combo. good for boas raid to get through the shield stage)


    dex sanji
    int boost robin


    This account is pretty much perfect if you want one with maximum potential, but not all the game finished yet. So you still got things to improve but don't need to pray for rng jesus blessing or buy gems.
    Just send me offers for now. :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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