Selling Selling/trading my RS3 Maxed Pure: 80 attack/10...

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Levi Peterson, 6/11/17.

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  1. Levi Peterson

    Levi Peterson
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    Selling/trading my RS3 Maxed Pure: 80 attack/10 def/52 prayer 99's: str, hp, range, magic, smith, mining, agility, herb, construction, fletch, wc, thieving, fire making, and cooking 97's: hunting 75 craft & farm; 77 summoning & 60 runecraft I'd like to either trade for an exceptional 07 pure or just take money. HMU with offers.. and not dumb offers or I simply won't respond. PS: I think I'm up for the 10 year cape.. last year. Never checked or cared to.
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