Selling/Trading A Silver Battle Axe Account GBREV for ms account/money

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I'm selling a Silver B-axe account that's about to hit the blue dot-I'll continuously work on getting new avatars/gold and rank it up if no one replies. Aside from selling it, I'll trade it for any maplestory account that's at Lvl 75+ (anything besides chief bandits and any wizards).

    It has a 68% win rate

    And some avatar included would be:

    The entire Witch Set - worth 900k

    Pet AD - 200k(?)

    Robot X - 200k

    Bridegroom Set - 300k

    Pirate Set - 120k

    Singing Bird - 26k

    Panda Stick - 48k

    Bazooka - 120k

    Rainy Day Set - 100k

    And all the other crap that isn't worth mentioning

    Oh and pics for anyone who wants to really see it.
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