Sold Selling [TR] 10k = $1

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Axellus, 12/11/16.

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  1. Axellus

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    I'm selling 1m gold on Tempest Reach, this is a one-time only thing as I'm quitting Tera.
    We can use a middleman on playerup if you want, you'll have to pay the MM but I'll subtract it out of the total if you're buying in bulk.

    For example, if you decided to buy all of the gold for $100 and the typical MM fee is $10 then I'd only charge $90 for the gold.

    I'm also giving away 2 in-game accounts to whoever bulk buys it all. An i427 reaper with full dyads, rare costumes and mounts. Bear, maid and other costumes. Has rare red dragon, blue beetle and a couple other common mounts. Other one is i421 priest with PVE crystals. This ALONE sells for $100, excluding gold.

    Skype: erisbestgirl
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