Sold Selling [total level 2631] maxed rs3 account with a linked maxed melee osrs account!

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by soulcrackk, 4/20/17.

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  1. soulcrackk

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    As the Title says, I'm selling my runescape 3 account which is a maxed account except for 43 invention. Also has 3 110+ skill's so pretty close to the lvl 120 capes. The RS3 account is also linked with a OSRS account with Maxed melee combat stats, 93 slayers, 86 mage, etc... So it's the full package!

    If you're interested feel free to add me on skype: Soulcrackk (i'm online there 24/7)

    Also, the payment option is PayPal (willing to use MM) or a really good league of legends account.

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