Selling Tos 10 Barbarian 10 and Demo 9 CROM RU

Discussion in 'Age of Conan Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fredrikson, 10/20/16.

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  1. Fredrikson

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    Ru account. Subscription till 14 Nov 2016.Khitay Turan Dragonspine.
    Demonologist( girl) 9 pvp almost full AA, mixed T2 T3 T1 pvp.Also has T4 and T3.5 things. 241 gold
    3 barbarian pvp( Fury)
    Barbarian pvp 10 Crom T1 pvp set of full AA
    Assassin pvp 0
    Tos 10 pvp, almost full AA, pvp T1 pve a mix of different sets(t1-t2-t3.5(weapon)
    Price 55$ Skype Fredrikson1976
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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