Hello, I'm selling my DB account after playing for about 18 months non-stop. I just got bored of the game and that's it. Full overview below, I think I didn't miss anything. If you need additional infos, send me a PM. Please note that I WILL NOT send screenshots or add you in-game for safety, so do not ask. Account type: HIVE Server: EUROPE Price: 400 Payment: PayPal only CHARACTERS -Paladin 108 Accs slots: 3/3 Scrolls slots: 3/3 Inventory: 3 pages Costumes: Hall of Fame Awakened / Gold % cape Two Skills pages -Priest 108 Accs slots: 3/3 Scrolls slots: 2/3 Inventory: 3 pages Costumes: Hall of Fame Awakened / Gold % cape Two Skills pages -Rogue 108 Accs slots: 3/3 Scrolls slots: 3/3 Inventory: 6 pages Costumes: Hall of Fame Awakened -Warrior 108 Accs slots: 3/3 Scrolls slots: 1/3 Inventory: 2 pages Costumes: Hall of Fame Awakened -Mage 105 Accs slots: 3/3 Scrolls slots: 3/3 Inventory: 6 pages Costumes: Hall of Fame Awakened / Winter Costume Awakened -Archer 100 (still have CH3/CH4 Raids for rubies) Accs slots: 1/3 Scrolls slots: 1/3 Inventory: 2 pages Costumes: Hall of Fame Awakened -2 Mules All chars have Buster Nightmare Title plus other top tier titles. TRANSCENDED Trans Deathcrown MAX Trans Greysoul MAX Trans Blackaria MAX Trans Brightspark MAX All have Dual U card / 3x Accessories KEYS (16) -Busters Pluto ULTIMATE Epsilon ULTIMATE Stigma ULTIMATE Omega ULTIMATE Iota ULTIMATE Gaia ULTIMATE -Dark Souls Morgana ULTIMATE Askr ULTIMATE Sasha ULTIMATE Shiva ULTIMATE Tyr ULTIMATE Thanatos MAX Ragnarok Base -Gigantes Atlas ULTIMATE Tethys ULTIMATE Helios ULTIMATE DEITIES (36) -Titans (all +ultimate) Atlas Tethys Chronos Helios -Awakened (all +ultimate) Tiel Eirden Turq Belle Azur Whay Yvante Karang Lilith Calgar Tinuvian Lucienne Shabelle Fulson Loki Mercedes Windlune +0 -Boden (all +ultimate) Bear Manalandy Foxy Hellhawk Howl Tracy Margaret Falcon -Archangeli (all +ultimate) Llywelyn Ravengale Gaela Farrah Kymael Mikaela Fryderyk All meta allies have 3 Accessories unlocked and Dual U card FODDER ALLIES SSS 81 (+11 unlimited in mail) SS 21 S 15 RESOURCES -Rubies: 14.600 -Gold: 2.1 Bil (capped) -Arena Coins: 8.400 -Shoes: 1.000 -Tickets: 8.100 -Essences: 645 Trans / 84 LE / 0 HE / 108 TE -Limit Break Stones: SSS 100 / SS 485 / S 275 -Magic Scrolls: 1.600 -Dual U Cards: 360 GEAR/GEAR LINKS -6 Link Rows unlocked 1- Mages/Incanters 105 SSS +ULT 2- Rogues 105 SSS +ULT 3- Healers 99 U +ULT 4- Paladins 105 SSS +ULT 5- Warrior DPS 105 SSS +ULT 6- Warrior Tanks 99 U +ULT Accessories - 18 x (U) Arena Celestial Earrings (12 with unlocked gem slot), only P2W accs are better than this. - 3 Gold Rings (about 130%) Didn't bother upgrading to 108, 111 gear will be out soon. GEMS DEX -(U) 9 -(U Arena) 2 -(SSS) 23 INT -(U) 9 -(SSS) 21 STR -(U) 6 -(SSS) 61 STA -(U) 11 -(SSS) 16 FORMATIONS (all maxed) Patient Chivalry Unbreakable Will Protection of the Heavens Merciless Breakthrough Determined Concentration Swift Counterattack Holy Protection Incredible Concentration Fire Support Noble Chivalry Solidarity of Heart RANKS Arena Buster auto top 50 / manual top 10 Hero auto top 100 / manual top 50 (crap rng mode atm) Tag Match Buster auto top 50 / manual top 10 (requires a lot of time spent) Hero auto top 100 50 / manual never bothered. Fortress Top 50 with no effort / Top 10 if you snipe. You can make/max Trans Mikaela right away if you want more easy-mode PvP Revenge of Belphegor Top 50 10 (you gotta learn how to play this) Nightmare Tower Clear Buster / Hero no problems every week. World Bosses 5% everywhere. If you want top 50 now you need TBW. Once Trans Llywelyn is out you gonna be top 50 here again (if you make her ofc)