Sold Selling Top 5% Account Lvl 80 NA 578/697 Collected Heros

Discussion in 'Crusaders Quest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SimplySynthetic, 8/4/17.

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  1. SimplySynthetic

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    Will end up at 44 Jewels after my Jewel Mine is done (2days Left)
    Easily top 5% every week in Colosseum - also Have some of the best players on NA Colo on my friends list.
    584/697 Collected Hero's Technically - i have the champs but i haven't promoted them. 17/34 of the event Heros (can't get anymore) With Weapons.
    Weapons Collected - 332/516. I have alot of the weapons but i haven't Forged them because they don't make the Hero to much stronger.
    Skins 49 90% of them you cant get anymore i can only post so many links of stuff so adding me on Discord: SimplySynthetic#7171 and asking for screens of them
    Haven't really focused on my Frame achievements because it doesn't really matter to me, ill post a screen shot.
    I cant post a link of all the heros i have so msging me on discord for screen shots if your best bet if you want specific heros. Discord: SimplySynthetic#7171

    Asking Price is around 400$ (Paypal only) Willing to Negotiate
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