Selling Selling top 2 account on netherlands 3x speed server.

Discussion in 'Travian Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Evgeniy111, 5/23/18.

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  1. Evgeniy111

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    Hello guys ! I am selling my travian account on a dutch 3x server ( domain nlx ). The server has started a week ago.

    - top 2 robbery
    - top 5 attack
    - top 6 strongest hero
    - top 40 population
    - gold club + 100 gold
    - strongest and most ambitious ally

    This is probably the strongest account on a server. Especially judging by the amount of troops. It has nearly 1.5 k bats on the 6th day of the game, 100 scouts, 100 paladins, 50 teuton knights ( i have already researched them and being on my way to catapultas )

    the account has been top 2 farm and top 1 attacking last week. you can see a gold and a silver medal on the profile page.
    This week i am going top 2 in robberies again and top 5 in attacks.
    I have two villages already, tomorrow is going to be the third one. My population is 515 and it is top 40 in the game.
    As for the ally - it is the strongest and very friendly ally that is being the first in all categories. the account i am offering is highly respected among all memebers and neighbours nearby.

    i have 2 personal deffers which i siter and that are having quite a nice amount of troops. so you can sleep safely )

    there is 130 gold on the account and gold club activated

    if someone reacts quickly i can sell cheaper

    Hope to hear from you soon!
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