Hi All, I'm selling my main account (1 year old account, been playing since global launch) so it's a very high tier account, that can clear any end game content. This account has: - 224 hero stones (ANDROID platform) - 5k+ of each herbs & 6k+ guardian summon ticket - 6* units: Kratos x3, Yggy x2, Dhaos x2, Barbatos x3 - vamps, delayers, LC boosters, rainbow lead, and various costumed units - 2x Limited Edition Hello Kitty Edna, 1x Limited Edition Hello Kitty Anise - every UR MA (and some are UR++ already) from global SA since launch - 6 Goddess Love spared for you to evolve any UR MA to UR++ of your choice - lots of UR weapons and GE weapons fully LBed - 4* & 5* guardians (almost complete) screenshot of everything above: http://imgur.com/a/2Te3Z only interested in payment via Paypal. Please offer me your best price via PM. I sold my alt account last year via this forum as well, you can check my profile/feedback Thank you!