Currently Tier 20 and will most likely be Tier 20 next week. Has max castle, most quests, and max barracks size. 80k Feathers stored. I have nearly 500 units, but there's a bunch of fodder for almost everything. I try to keep at least 1-2 spares of every unit for skill inheriting and hero merit purposes. For those wondering why $250. Bridal Blessings Cordelia is one of the best units in the game, and she was available for only a limited time. The few accounts that got her perfect IV and +10'd her are few and unwilling to part with their accounts. As for Hector, I picked +Def over +Spd because +Def allows him to KO fury Ryoma and Ike with the correct threaten and buffs. Spd only helps him with very few specific match-ups that were already covered by my units. The account has several units primed for usage at +0 and at +10. I've been taking care of this account since near the release of the game, and it is well-maintained. Top tier 5 stars: Bridal Blessings Cordelia +10 (+Atk/-Res) with most abilities in the game learned and a spare 2.3k sp. Bridal Blessings Lyn +8 (+Spd/-Res) with 2 extra Bridal Blessings Lyn to merge up to +10. Ryoma +10 (+Spd/-Res) with most abilities in the game, spare 1.4k sp and Swift Sparrow 2. Hector +8 (+Def/-Res) with many abilities in the game, spare 800 sp. Takumi +7 (+Atk/-Def) with many abilities from the game and Swift Sparrow 2. Lilina +3 (+Atk) Nowi +2 (+Spd/-Hp) with many abilities and a spare Nowi to go to +3. Linde +2 (+Spd/-Hp) knows Blarblade+. Tiki +1 (+Res/-Def) optimized for Dragon Team to bait Julia. Cherche (+Atk/-Res), level 40, with Brave Axe+, Bonfire, Death Blow 3, Hit and Run, and Threaten Def 3. Effie (+Atk/-Res), knows Distant Counter and has a spare Effie 5star. Nino (+Spd/-Hp) Ike (+Res/-Def) Alm (+Spd/-Res) Karel (+Spd/-Def) Hana (+Atk/-Hp) Celica (+Res/-Hp) Lukas (Neutral) Genny (+Atk/-Def) Maria (+Atk/-Hp) Notable 5 stars: Spring Lucina Spring Xander Spring Camilla Spring Chrom Bridal Blessings Caeda (+Spd/-Hp) Bridal Blessings Charlotte Ninian Fae Elise Lyn Zephiel Eldigan Soren Kagero Alfonse Reinhardt Olwen Notable 4 stars needing upgrades: Marth (+Spd/-Def) Tharja (+Atk/-Res) and (+Spd/-Res) Reinhardt (+Atk/-Spd) more information in my mail. [email protected]