Sold Selling Tidewater VG and Occu (2 seperate accounts)

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aermen, 12/10/17.

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  1. Aermen

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    General gist of the VG:
    -Full +13 polt gear (most with crit / crit incre)
    -All tier open on the gear and activated (4 tiers)
    -All marks open
    -Marks mostly level III and IV
    -Boots can be put to +14
    -Premium until 29th September (with the Explorer´s boost package)
    -60/120 arcane arts
    -Gold talisman (hp)
    -Misha mount (cat mount - almost maxed out)
    -Seraphim wings (maxed out)
    -TONES AND TONES of cosmetics (apparels).
    -Baby dragon pet
    -Over 30 Divine Dao in website inventory for dao skill trees.
    -Soul grid everything is IV with 2 crystals at V (chaos crystal is III)
    -298k might
    -174k ER
    -Lv 77

    General gist of the Occu:
    -313k might
    -Lv 79
    -All +13 (some parts are +16)
    -Pants, Boots, Necklace, Chest, Gloves are lv 79 (chest and gloves are handcrafted, rest is dungeon crafted)
    -Soulgrids all IV - V
    -Decent amount of apparels

    Leave your skype/discord under or hit me up in private! I will ofc provide screenshots and more elaborate information!

    Selling the VG for 50 euros and Occ for 100 euros (if you buy both accounts, selling them for 130)
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