Selling Selling TIBIA - Nerana: 143 ED (84m), 96 RP (92d), 4kk+ in items

Discussion in 'Tibia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Korinis, 11/20/17.

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  1. Korinis

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    I'm selling my tibia account containing these 2 main characters (druid with payed addons). Everything is shown on screens. Druid has only Royal Scale Robe and Glacier Rod, RP's gear is shown. The account has about 4kk+ gold in items to sell, 20k+ GMP for druid and about 30k cryst. arrows and bolts for paladin.
    The account was never banned or botted, has 180 Loyalty and no recovery key.
    For more information feel free to message me, I'll answer as best as I can.

    Price is 29$, non negotionable.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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