Selling Selling the best Warz account, good offers only. [Information and screenshots inside]

Discussion in 'Infestation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello everyone, today I am here to sell one of the best WarZ account ever. I am the original owner of the account you are about to see and I have spent weeks building all the characters in this account by killings hundreds of players, zombies and spending a lot of time looting compounds and cities with my friends. I also traded all my items from my other account to this account, so you are getting everything! For your information, I am selling this account for one reason only, I need money to survive. I will be taking good offers only, pm me your offers. I accept PayPal (verified and payment must be sent with the gift option) and Amazon gift cards as payment method only.

    Extra information: The serial key used to create this account was purchased using my real and verified PayPal account.

    What you will get: The entire account (email and password) which includes all the characters, items on the characters and all items in the global inventory.

    The account has 5 characters. Below you will be able to see screen shots of each character's inventory and it's number of zombies and player kills.


    Character 1:

    Character Screenshot

    Character Inventory Screenshot

    Character 2:

    Character Screenshot

    (This character has no items so I didn't bother taking a screenshot of it's inventory)

    Character 3:

    Character Screenshot

    Character Inventory Screenshot

    Character 4:

    Character Screenshot

    Character Inventory Screenshot

    Character 5:

    This character has no items in it's inventory and barely any kills as well

    Global Inventory


    Guns List 1

    Guns List 2

    Guns List 3

    Guns List 4

    Guns List 5


    Ammunition List

    Melee Weapons:

    Ammunition List

    Armors & Bags:

    Armors & Bags List

    Support Items:

    Support Items List

    Other Items:

    Other Items List

    PM me your offer today, I will accept good offers ONLY. I don't mind using a middle man.


    Thanks for the offer so far, if you have a offer just pm it to me.

    None of the screenshots work. Just thought I would let you know >.>

    some of the links do work. you have to left click them. right clicking and opening them in another tab will cause an error. Good luck

    Interested in steam games?

    Legend account?

    50 cent us
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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