defense all walls are lvl 7+ 2 xbows lvl 1 and 2 3 mortars lvl 7, 6 and 6 3 level 7 archer towers 3level 8 archer towers 4 level 10 cannons and 1 level 11 3 level 4 air defenses 1 level 3 lvl 4 wizard towers 1 level 3 four lvl 1 teslas army level 5 archers, barbarians level 4 wizards, hogs riders healing and lightning spell, wall breakers,giants,gobslins level 3 rage spell level 2 dragons and healers and minions level 1 witches and pekkas barb king lvl 5 archer queen lvl 2 resources dark elixer drill x2 lvl 2 and 4 6 gold mines lvl 11 4 gold storages 2x lvl 10 2 x lvl 11 same with elixer storages dark elixer storage lvl3 other spell factory lvl 3 labatory lvl 7 clancastle lvl 4 if interested plz contact me atm in clan call All For One username gabisc interested message me kik - gabischeng email- [email protected]
middle man link if interested Order Checkout – | PlayerUp - MMO Accounts Marketplace. Most Secure Player 2 Player Network.
Order Checkout – | PlayerUp - MMO Accounts Marketplace. Most Secure Player 2 Player Network.