Sold Selling Tera Na (MT Server) 6 chars Full Gear

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by keokijem, 10/13/16.

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  1. keokijem

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    I am selling my account, because of time constraints do not play as before (account created 3 months ago)

    Chars: Sorcer, Archer, Gunner and 3 Brawlers (Farming xD)

    PvE weap Imperator +15, 3% MW
    Chest Pve Rolls Imperator +15, 3% MW
    Gloves Imperator + 12
    Footwear Imperator +12 Pve Rolls
    Imperator Belt Full Crit
    PvE and PvP jewelry (Build crit) Perfect Rolls
    Inner crit 16 and Power 8
    And conflate glove Weapon +12
    pvp jewelry power too :D


    Imperator Weapon +15
    Imperator belt
    Chest. glove, foot slaughter +12
    PvE and PvP jewelry (Build crit) Perfect Rolls
    Inner crit 16

    Starfall Weapon +15, 3% mw
    Glove Starfall + 12
    Chest, Foot, and belt Slaugter
    Pve jewelry Mix Crit / Power
    Inner crit 16

    3 Brawlers

    Full saughter +12 and jewelry Pve perfect rolls.

    Inventory contains: approximately 160k, inner crit 16 not soulbound, costumes event, t10 feed, feed t9, Master alkahest, about 50 dyad, about 55 smart structures, and more ....

    If you need photos, you ask for them
    I accept offers / Pm
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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