Sold Selling Tera (Fey Forest Server)

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ixmiks, 10/15/16.

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  1. Ixmiks

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    New seller so no feedback. It is my first time and the last time.
    I decided to quit tera so i want to sell all my gold. all gold farmed by hands (old tar quests, IoD quests, selling emp), so they all are safe gold. TBH i cannot say it is 100% safe, but it is 99% safe. Because none know what will happen next day. Maybe EME will check our account history one day. who know? Therefore, I won't give you any guarantee.
    All sales are final.

    NA TERA FF server 300k stock and wont re-stock later.
    (0.12$/1k . $12/100k - 0.12$/1k) no negotiation.

    Payment method : Webmoney (WMZ only)
    If you want me put gold on, i will charge higher ratio cus i need to pay them additional fee. (I only do this if you buy all)
    I wont go first cus i don't feel safe.

    Skype: safonofff86
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