Selling ## tera and items! - omegamon server ##

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RyuExiaGames, 12/3/16.

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  1. RyuExiaGames

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    For those who don't know what DMO is its short for Digimon Masters Online, which is a Digimon MMO that was released in English in 2011. This game is basically a grind fest and economy is always going up and down.

    I am here today to help those who rather not spend hours of grinding to make money for something they want. Tera is a currency within the game going from Bits, Mega, Tera.
    I currently only sell gold within Omegamon server, will do other servers within the future.

    Sales Rates For Tera: 1T= $1USD
    Currently in stoke: 60T
    *I am currently one of the cheapest Tera sellers ATM*

    Items For Sale:
    Bokomon Books - $3.60USD
    Evolutors - $.80 (1)
    - $6.70 (10)
    *More Items To Come In The Future Will Update Daily.

    How trading will work is you will pay first and I will trade you after I get the payment through paypal.

    Msg me what you want and it will be delivered within 15min or less.
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