selling acc 1.8m might, vip7, server eu-s34. i put some details below Armor: Dragon helm: ref 15, q36, fortify 175 Hades armor: ref 10, q36, fortify 175 Champion might: ref 11, q36, fortify 175 Slayers boots: ref 12, q36, fortify 175 Baals chain: ref 12, q36, fortify 175 Hades bracers: ref 15, q36, fortify 175 Titan ring: ref 9, q ultimate1, fortify 175 vip7 Wings: ref 12, asc 10, fortify 190 Demigod: black tortoise lvl 91 Mount: fireborn tier 5/red, lvl 43, fortify 9 Pets: Spirit maiden, lvl 159, evo 15 Skeleton king: lvl 129, evo 20 Ice phoenix, lvl 129, evo 16 Boxer: lvl 129, evo 16 Hades: lvl 119, evo 15 Verney: lvl 109, evo 18 rune sets: set 1: all quality 34 lvl 90 set 2: 4 quality 34 lvl 90 and fire rune q36 lvl 60 set 3: 4 quality 32 and q34 core all lvl 90 set 4: all q32 lvl 90 set 5: all q 32 lvl 90 set 6: all q32 lvl 90 set 7: all q32 lvl 90 set 8: all q32 lvl 75+ star stones: all lvl 5 and 1 lvl 5 vibrant Character star cultivation: 2 star 32 lvl, alacrity, angs, brutality and stamina lvl 90