Inner: Taoist 78 Blood Blade 75 Merid BBC and RG 216 All 180 Currently working on Nian ( inner 33/59 - 40k rep left to open to 63, have enough token in bag) Ancient Sets Fingers: Skills LVL 6, Copy skill lvl 3, Rage lvl 10 ATC Combo: Rage LVL 8 Blood Sea Demon Rage LVL 3 ADBS: All full set all skills lvl 3 the two charges are max lvl 6 Gears: Full C7 except rings and weapon ( all c6) Sets HeadButt Wild Shot Fist (Missing one skill) Drunken Master Heart Buddah Palm Seductive Stare Sword (Red Armor skill from the ancient set) Full Moon Scimitar Sura Blade Temptess Staff Cross Soul Chasing Stick Skills Flying Horse Trick the enemy circle the moon Turn weapon around Far and remove Lores 6 outfits 1 single sword 3 star lore cape, sky wolf bow Contact me: [email protected] or skype ttt030911