Sold Selling taichi panda lvl 247, vip 9, 2.195m might $200 US server

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by trng1987, 7/6/17.

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  1. trng1987

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    Character: US1 server Vip 9 Panda, 2star47, 2195695might
    mount: tank, tier 6, level 83, fortify level 6
    gear: champion helm and hades bracer: max
    Titan armor, weapon, boot, necklace, ring: refine 10+, max fortify, Q40
    Pet: Boxer evo17 lvl159, Hades evo 16 lvl129, Spirit Maiden evo 16 lvl 129, Nezha evo 14 lvl 119
    Skeleton King evo 16 lvl 129, Ice turtle evo 14 lvl 129
    Stat: 6.6m health, 415k damage, 825 hitrate, 935 crit rate, 1027 crit resist, 1335 crit damge, 1534 crit reduction,
    187k damage reduction, 322 damage resist, 298 damage boost.
    Im selling for $200. Leave me msg if you interest.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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