[Selling] [T9 Veteran] Priest Main [i441] / Tons of Costumes / 14 Char / All Master Crafts

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by henrybluez, 11/26/18.

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  1. henrybluez

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    Lost interest and can't play anymore, hoping someone who loves tera will be able to continue this account :)

    Mained Berserker until I swapped to Priest, many characters have bound costumes (some more than others)
    Characters that are geared to start dungeons - Berserker, Archer, Ninja, Warrior, Gunner
    Characters that are finished with the Apex quest - Priest
    the other characters are either untouched, or have not started the returning player gear quests.

    Priest and Berserker have Felicity, Archer and maybe another class has Totes.
    Priest has the majority of mounts, there are 3 account bound mounts for all characters (police buggy, glimmerheart and a wolf)

    Priest and Berserker also have the most achievements/reputation. Before I stopped playing, I got the Master of Timescape title on the priest and a lot of achievements.

    Has about 100k in gold at the moment, not including crafting materials and tradeables

    Other than that, not much more I can think of :d, any questions or interest please message me them!

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    ACCOUNT PRICE : 100€


    DISCORD : Henry#8387

    EMAIL : [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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