This is a top tier healing character, with Epic Founder & over 300 days worth of premium time left, the character also comes with just over 5 million in silver and a 6.1 set- enough to get anyone off the ground. You can get a hold of me through this forum for additional information, the information provided below are not exacts but approximations. Tier 8 Druidic. Tier 7 Holy. Tier 8 Tome (Offhand). Tier 7 Torch (Offhand). 50+ Million total fame. 25+ Million Pvp fame. 15+ Million Mob fame. Top 50 Pvp fame. Top 100 Total fame. 300+ Premium time. 5mill+ Silver. 200+ Learning points. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1508674627/fzs2iypy0fyj3rnvp4i8.jpg - The account does not come with an email, it was created with my own person email. As far as I know SBI does not allow the change of an accounts email but, I'll do everything I can to make sure you keep hold of the account. There are plenty of ways to get a hold of me "email, Skype & Steam" thus you'll have plenty of methods to contact me.