Sold Selling Swtor pvp account us

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Skalkoll, 8/15/17.

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  1. Skalkoll

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    Swtor pvp account us
    I'm selling my swtor account as I no longer have time in my life for it.

    I no longer have the game downloaded, so I can only give the information that I can acquire off the website.

    The account has 7 lvl 65's, A Sith Juggernaut, Sith Marauder, Mercenary, Powertech, Operative, Sith Sorcerer & a Jedi Guardian all on the Ebon Hawk server except the Powertech which is on The Harbinger.

    The account has a few hundred Cartel Coins and is eligible for an account referral which gives 1 week of free subscription.

    Before quitting the game I do recall having a few million credits and some very valuable items such as the Sith Recluse set.

    All the characters were fully geared with PvP gear and were augged out, the account was purely a PvP account and all the story up to the Knights of the Fallen Empire has been completed.

    I'm taking any offers, willing to sell for pretty cheap, payment will be done through PayPal.

    You can private message me on this website otherwise you can email or Skype me.

    Skype: jacob.jackson.4.0
    Email: [email protected]
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