Sold Selling SWTOR Account on Ebon Hawk with lot of toons,creds and unlocked items, titles

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TóthBalázs, 8/19/17.

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  1. TóthBalázs

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    16 character slots, all 16 created can be deleted, lvl 60-65s also some lower level ones 50-60 or 1-30
    lot of items, weapons, titles, legacy items, achievement, vehicles unlocked
    few good items, weapons, full armor sets (2-3) unlocked and available to be redeemed using collections on every character or future characters
    every new character (and the existing ones )will get vehicles, chests( which may include dye modules xp boost and speeded), titles, and shae vizla companion
    security key was attached to the account ( was removed when this post was created) can be set up for extra security via app store ( free ap easy set up on official site )
    few characters in PVE organized guilds with 400 + members who are playing for a long time, very kind, open to help, organise events/ guild runs with flagship and stronghold
    lot of decorations unlocked, 4 stronghold: Tatooine, Dromund Kaas, Yavin and Coruscant (few rooms unlocked)
    story unlocked until knights of the eternal throne expansion ( does not include that one )
    fully unlocked inventory with all slots on all existing and future characters
    togruta, cyborg race unlocked
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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