Sold Selling Swtor account 5 lvl70 chars / 6.2k cc / 60m creds. 100$

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Oldvidahope17, 8/31/17.

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  1. Oldvidahope17

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    I am selling a account with 5 Characters LVL 70 with gear rating of 230 for most. Loaded with Credits, Cartel Coins, Mounts (vehicles), special unlocks, pets, decorations etc.
    The account also has a free character transfer to any server you want.
    The Chars are on the EU server The Red Eclipse

    The Chars are: Juggernaut, Sorcerer, Assassin, Mercenary and Operative.
    - 60 Million credits, most being on 1 char
    - 6250 Cartel Coins (and increasing)
    - 600 Command tokens
    - 300 Unassembled Components
    - Huge amount of valuable Cartel Market items in the cargo slots:

    -(this ss is outdated, there's now over 6k CC)

    The account gets extra CC monthly from the referrals, + 500 extra if sub.
    All Characters have Max expanded inventory and extra Cargo Hold slots.

    They also all have plenty of personal Legacy unlocks including the CXP bonus.

    Global unlocks
    There are also extra species unlocked such as Chiss, Twi Lek and Sith

    ALL strongholds unlocked. With them a bunch of decoration stuff:

    There's also plenty of special treats for the buyer.

    For more details contact me. [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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