Selling Selling Super Pro AOWE account server 144 and 163

Discussion in 'Age of Warring Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/20/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hi guys.

    i have no time to play anymore so i decided to sell my account on 2 servers:
    144 V4
    163 V4

    both account are really good lots of 5* and super 5* heroes, gems 5* and 6*, orange equipment, rebirth heroes, lots of buffs troop cards , lvl 50 barracks on server 144 and more.

    I accept payments via paypal

    My contact information for printscreens and more informations about account is:
    kik messanger: fen2307

    dont hesitate to kik me guys . I m looking for serious offers those are top and strong cities on 144 lvls arround 170-187 and some 110-120 lvl heroes and on 163 (pretty new server around- 120 heros levels) all nice equipment there and gems i invested plenty of $ in it but i m just looking for someone who will take good care of my accounts
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