Sold Selling Super end-game mr 24 account lots of rivens, cosmetics, everything you need

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pcsolutions480, 12/30/17.

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  1. pcsolutions480

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    Super End-Game MR 24 Account

    You basically have everything you need purchasing this account and will annihilate anything you fire at. God Tiered Riven Mods that hit insane numbers. Arcane Energize (SET) "Worth 4500 Platinum" so you NEVER run out of energy running max power and range builds. Mastery Rank 24 so you have access to ALL content and you fit right in playing alongside of Veteran players. Purchased almost all the cosmetic sets including deluxe skins & tons of purchased Tennogens directly from Steam alongside of every color pallet. I've spend a little over 1000$ USD buying skins, platinum, and prime access over a span of 1.5 years. Over 3500 mods including the nightmare mods like Blind Rage, Overextended, Narrow Minded etc & play time exclusives like Primed Vigor. Plenty of Endo, Plenty of credits, Rare mods like Argon Scope & """2""" Maiming Strikes maxed ranked in inventory and a lengendary core on hand which instantly max ranks any mod of choice! "DO NOT USE IT FOR ANYTHING OTHER THEN A PRIMED MOD" Every normal frame max rank 30, every primed frame max rank 30 INCLUDING THE MOST RECENT MIRAGE PRIME. Every Kubrow & Kavat Breed. Heavy investment into focus mostly in Zenurik for Energy and Mandurai for Physical & Elemental passive dmg boost. Almost every weapon (Primary, Secondary, & Melee) Max rank 30 Including Akbolto & Kogake Prime "Think I'm missing like 10 trash weapons I could easily buy or farm but just been lazy lol. A lot of my best weapons & frames have been forma'ed 5-10 times to ensure that I could equip any build possible using max ranked mods for any situation & most my high tier weapons are built on viral/hunter munitions so you one shot and red crit mostly everything. Every primed mod unlocked and maxed out except for the Bane mods. "Which I bought and resold for the mod score because they are useless lol" Odonata Prime and Centaur unlocked including all of the Archwing sets and most of the Archwing weapons. "I also have the Primed ability mod for Archwing" I have every Sentinel max ranked only keeping their Primed and Prisma Variants. I sold most of the non-primed variants of gear after ranking up just for MR Fodder. I also have Primed Regen & Sacrifice set to run on Sentinels for survivability (max ranked of course). Realistically speaking, I have roughly 10K - 15K Platinum invested into Riven Mods and Arcanes + 5K - 6K more I've spent on cosmetics, forma bundles, attachments, etc from the in-game market. On the Rivens I have for weapons that don't fit your play-style, you can easily sell for Plat. "However I wouldn't recommend selling any of them because they are great or godly rolls for Warframe's best weapons" THE ACCOUNT CURRENTLY HAS THE MOST RECENT PRISM PRIME ACCESS PURCHASED with 3 months left on Credit, Affinity, & Resource boosters. I've expanded my inventory slots an insane number of times because I hated running out of room for new gear along with my Riven capacity which is now 21. If you're anything like me and hate running out of storage, you're covered there! Just under 6 mil credits and 1.1K Plat sitting around because I honestly have nothing left to buy. Currently in a Rank 10 Moon Clan as well with 100% BP Completion and over 500 active players. When it boils down to it, would be easier to list the things I don't have. Only real thing worth having on my account missing is Excalibur Prime and that's only because I couldn't buy or farm him. Honestly with this account the only thing you'd spend plat on is new Rivens. Everything else I've already grinded out. Over 2000 hours put in and I'm the original owner of the account so no worries on pending bans. Just fazing out of Warframe it's been a good run but got kids, dog, and a wife now so passing this on to somebody who can enjoy the goodies more then I can + could use the $. IGN: DriveByPancakes

    800$ USD. PayPal F&F will be used for Payment. You can contact me here on playerup or...

    Email - [email protected]
    Email Secondary - [email protected]
    Skype - [email protected]
    Discord - @DriveByPancakes
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