Sold Selling Subcap pilot - 67m sp pvp/pve

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by capitantonno, 3/16/17.

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  1. capitantonno

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    This is the second account i'm trying to sell, searching for people who are oriented in pvp/pve activities

    67m+ sp spent in combat,

    As you can personally check following this link:
    this guy can:

    - Fly almost anything supcapital
    - Excellent EWAR skills
    - Excellent gunnery and missiles
    - Maxed navigation
    - Tech 3 viable

    - roughly 1b isk in his wallet

    currently alfa status, ready to be plexed.

    my price is 500$ but being not an expert i'm willing to negotiate and find a suitable price if this seems too high.
    Apologies in advance for that, i'm open to suggestion

    You can contact me with a PM anytime

    Also if interested in a cap pilot, more industry oriented, see my other character:

    #1 capitantonno, 3/16/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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