Selling strong account Selling account in very strong state. 450+ State. 2/2 State vs State victories. Strong chance of being one of the strongest states in the game. Multi Cultural players. Very strong top players. Top 3, English speaking alliance. Further growth is Guaranteed . Transfer Pass bought. Preferred buyer: Strong player who can push account at the top and be a top player. (State is 1 truly top player away from Undisputed status.) 54 Million Power, Furnace lvl 30, 420k Troops (All T9), Gear all Epic+, Charms all lvl 2, 86k gems. Nearly 5 million power top 5 heroes. Great Stats, Well Developed heroes. Plenty of Gear and Pet materials for further advancements. SvS victory/fun guaranteed. Price: 330 Dollars or best offer.