I am posting my STO account for sale. The account is my original account dating back to the founding of the game and has not received any form of disciplinary action against it in that time. I am posting it for sale as I do not play anymore (family man now with limited time to game) but I have vested a lot into the account monetarily. As a result I will be looking to sell this account in as safe a manner as possible for both parties (i.e. Middleman or the like). I will want to actually speak via Skype as well for the transaction for both parties to get a feel for the other. I will in real time show the account to both verify and show many things that would simply take too long to post here to show (Bridge Officers and skills, Duty Officers, Weapons, Bank Contents, etc etc for each character and these weigh in heavily for the value of the account). I am not desperate to sell the account so I will be sticking firm to requiring protection for both parties and the communication stipulation. I have also dumped over 4x's what I am asking for into the account so I will be asking for $200 for the it and I believe that is a fair price. Here is some of what is in the account: -Lifetime Account -Collector's Edition (means you get the Red Matter Capacitor which is highly sought after, and Automated Defense Battery console) - http://sto.gamepedia.com/Red_Matter_Capacitor -Legacy of Romulus Pack - http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/sta...us-legacy-pack -The Original Series Bundle (good for leveling as the weapons scale in level) - http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/sta...ble-in-c-store -Romulan Dreadnought Bundle (no link but was a 10000 Zen bundle) -Multi-Mission Vesta Bundle -Other Various Account Ships: Garumba, D'Kyr, Multi-Vector Advanced Escort, Defiant Tactical Escort Refit, B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit, Armitage Heavy Escort Carrier -Special: Borg Bridge Officer (Amazon Pre-Order), and many more that I will show -Zen on Account: 4500 as of this post, that is $45 of Store Credit and the new stipend should be posting soon. (500/month stipend still in effect of course for Lifetime Sub), -Characters: 51 Romulan-Fed Tactical 50 Klingon Tactical 50 Romulan-Fed Engineer 50 Romulan-Fed Engineer (made up a Reman Captain to try) 50 Federation Science There are simply too many other holiday and special event items tied to certain characters to list them all as well and that includes Bridge Officers and Duty Officers. The later two are well fleshed out on my Fed-Science Captain, but I will stress rep is not maxed nor is everything best of the best but also by no means little (maybe $100 more in packs for Duty Officers alone). I am a member with no rep (my account is not new however as I opened it years ago to shop around) but I am willing to do whatever steps needed to verify the account, answer any questions, and work out any concerns as you may have. I absolutely want this to be done in as safe a manner for both of us, to make sure you get what you want and and that I am protected as well.