Selling Selling STO Lifetime account, well geared, well developed characters

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Risian, 12/27/16.

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  1. Risian

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    This lifetime STO account has been developed for the past three years. I have played almost on a daily basis to improve the characters.
    All characters are dedicated to either the ground part of the game or the space part, while still being usable on both parts. There are characters of all careers available, as well as characters of all major factions. Moreover, there are characters available from both recruitment events, which grant even more account-wide bonuses. The most important characters also have some very special ships, as well as mulitple sets of weapons.
    There are many account-wide unlocks, including some very exclusive (indicated with excl.) ones which cannot be obtained in any other way anymore. Besides the lifetime unlocks, which can be found here, these include:

    C-store ships:

    Small craft: Delta Flyer. Peregrine Attack Fighter. Yellowstone Class. Stalker Stealth Fighter. To'duj Fighter.
    Tier 1: NX Class Starship. Oberth Class. USS Enterprise.
    Tier 2: Gladius class.
    Tier 3: Thunderchild. Koro't'inga class. Valdore class.
    Tier 4: Sau Paulo class. Ar'kala class. Puyjaq class.
    Tier 5: Dyson Federation 3-pack. Vesta classes: Rademaker and Vesta. Odyssey Tactical Cruiser. Regent Class. Excelsior Cruiser retrofit. Ambassador Class Support Cruiser (excl.). Andorian Kumari: Charal class. Ar'Kif Tactical carrier class. Marauder patrol cruiser. Scimitar 3-pack.
    Tier 6: Phantom Escort. Hestia Class Escort. Science Star Cruiser – Yorktown. Tactical Command Battlecruiser – Presidio. Temporal Escort – Theseus. Temporal Mulit-mission Science vessel – Eternal. Arbiter Class battlecruiser. Jupiter class carrier. Yamato class dreadnought carrier. Mat'ha raptor. Tactical command battlecruiser – Vastam class.
    Special pack: Mirror Guardian Cruiser – promotional (excl.) Mirror Runabout: Danube class (excl.)
    Other C-store items: IDIC tribble, Phoenix small craft and Assimilated Assault Cruiser admiralty cards. Orange cat (non-combat pet). Polytrinic Acid Horta (combat pet). Holo-leeta Boff – promotional (very rare and exclusive). Duty officer: Neal Falconer.
    Enterprise Era pack.
    Event ships: Breen Chel Grett, Rezreth, Risian Corvette, Risian Cruiser, Ferengi warship, Vorgon escort, Dyson Science destroyer, Krenim Science Vessel.
    Account-wide resources: over 500 mining claims, worth 5 million dilithium or over 10000 zen during events.
    I will limit the extensive descriptions to the most important characters. For questions about other characters or for more detailed information, you can always send me a PM or ask your question here.

    First character: Tactical, Federation, specialised in space fights.
    Ships available on this character (besides the account-wide ones) : Baltim heavy raider, Xindi-reptilian escort, fleet Regent class, Fleet Yamato, Fleet Chimera T5-U, Kelvin Timeline Intel Dread (Vengeance class), Xindi Aquatic carrier, Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer, Hazari Destroyer, Ferengi shuttle.
    Gear: Epic and Ultra rare Plasma Dual heavy cannons and Beam arrays. 3-piece Xindi weaponry Lobi set (worth 600 lobi). 4 fleet tactical consoles, all epic quality. Bounty hunter console (another 200 lobi). Science Fleet embassy consoles. Plasmonic leech. Spatial charge launcher.
    MACO and Iconian resistance deflectors. Omega force and Iconian resistance Engines. Fleet warp core, Iconian Resistance Warp core, upgraded to Ultra rare quality. Iconian resistance shield, Omega force shield, all upgraded to MK 14.

    Pics of the ship and its gear can be requested. Also some shields for visuals available such as the Dyson reputation shield and the Undine reputation one.
    3 Romulan Embassy Boffs, with the most powerful trait in the game available. Talaxian Boff available. Reman Boff. Orion Boff
    Ground gear: Fleet Research lab kit, with vascular regenerator.
    Traits: Ground: Vicious, Regenerative Tissue. Space: Momentum. Exclusive ship trait (5 slots available) : Standoff.
    Filled Pilot, Intelligence officer, Commando tree. Temporal Operative tree Tier 4 ability unlocked.
    Highest DPS parse: around 50k DPS, member of the Gold and 50k DPS channels.
    Second character, Science, Federation. Character has historically specialised in ground fights.
    Special ships: all three Herald/Iconian ships (!) : Baltim Raider, Quas Cruiser and Vonph Dreadnought Carrier and polymorphic probe array console. Xindi Insectoid escort carrier.
    Gear: Herald Antiproton Dual heavy cannons and Beam arrays (full sets, can use both thus) available. 3 epic fleet spire consoles, 2 Ultra rare ones. Also 3 epic and 3 ultra rare Phaser consoles from earlier use still available. Bounty Hunter (worth 200 lobi) available.
    1 Romulan Embassy Boff, 1 Xindi Boff (worth 300 lobi) and 1 Aenar Boff (500 zen).
    Ground gear:
    MACO Elite gear, Ultra rare Adapted Armour and shield of MK 14, Epic MACO Pulsewave Assault, Epic Antiproton Split beam rifle. 3 Dyson reputation sets available for the Battlezone. Advanced fleet armour, MK 14. Herald Lobi Armour, MK 14 (150 lobi). Counter-Command Undine rep armour, MK 14. MK 14 Ultra rare Lirpa.

    Mulitple kits available, dozens of different top-end modules from lock boxes, fleet holdings and events.

    Traits: Active rerouting. Berserker, Brawler, Adrenal release, Regenerative Tissue, Savior, Vicious.
    Space: Momentum.
    Special things: Tribble of Borg. Na'kuhl lobi uniform (200 lobi), Xindi Uniform (200 lobi).

    Third character: Science, Federation.

    Ships: Paradox lobi ship, Fleet Regent.
    Gear available: Full sets of Plasma, Polaron, Torpedo spire tactical consoles, all upgraded to Mk XIV. Character can use 3 different weapon types, specialises in exotic damage. Top DPS: over 68000.
    Plasmonic leech, Dyson reputation console, Terran reputation console, Delta reputation console. Mining drill laser.
    2 sets of Research lab consoles: Ultra rare and epic ones, for maximum drain and exotic damage potential. Ultra rare secondary deflector, Ultra rare Solanae deflector. All MK 14.
    Boffs: 1 Romulan Embassy, 1 Krenim Research lab boff. 1 Caitian engineer.
    Traits: Inspirational leader, Positive Feedback loop. Ship traits (5 slots) are all special lobi and C-store ones to further boost exotic damage.
    Ground: Epic quality fleet armour, multiple weapons, all upgraded to MK 14. Multiple kits available, all with high-end modules, both offensive and defensive ones.
    Other items: Vaadwaur uniform (200 lobi).
    Fourth character: Federation, tactical.
    Ships: Tier 6 Na'kuhl Tadaari Raider, Fleet Arbiter, Tholian Mesh Weaver T5-U.
    Character has switched roles a few times, started out as space character, has focussed on ground for a while and is now mostly used as a space character again, but like all characters described, he can still perform very well in both regions.
    Has access to standard phasers (yellow ones) and blue ones, from lock boxes (Phased Bio-matter dual beam banks and dual heavy cannons) which were bought for use on the Kumari. Also 2 Andorian Phaser turrets which unfortunately cannot be upgraded. All other described weapons are MK XIV though, character can easily complete advanced content.
    MK XIV Terran Engines. MK XIV Ultra rare Crafted shield (Hyper-capacitor CAP x4 and plasma resistance modifiers), Ultra Rare Iconian Resistance Warp core (for bonus 3.3% damage for each subsystem that has 75 power or more; usually all subsystems are above 75 thanks to plasmonic leech).
    5 Ultra rare MK 14 Spire consoles, 1 special episode MK XIV console for even more phaser damage; basically, this ship has access to almost 6 tactical consoles.
    5th reputation trait slot for both ground and space purchased.
    Special DOFFS available for quick regeneration, based on out-going damage: character is both offensively powerful, and defensively very capable to survive and quickly regenerate.
    Caitian BOFF available (500 Zen).

    All characters described have huge amounts of resources available, ranging from 14000 on the fourth, to almost 40000 Omega marks on the second character, and 10s of thousands of other marks available per character. Hundreds of Elite marks available on each described character, resulting in dilithium reserves of 500000 up to 800000 dilithium on the richest character, for a total of over 2 million dilithium on just these four characters combined.

    All characters described are also level 60. The same goes for:

    Romulan Tac – special ship: T6 fleet Valdore, many special trait packs from lock boxes available in the bank.
    Federation Engineer: elite ground fighter, access to Voth lobi uniform (200 lobi) and Voth Bastion Flight deck cruiser. Also 500000 dilithium available, both in reserves and dilithium ore on this character.
    KDF Science character: capable to fight on both the ground and in space.
    Federation Science character – Drain character, Fleet Jupiter available. Can shut down subsystems of end bosses on advanced (like the tactical cube in ISA) in mere seconds, disabling shields, weapons and engines.
    Federation Engineer – Delta Recruit, all bonuses unlocked. Geared for ground fights, also has access to Ultra rare and Epic Phaser beams.

    And then there is the last created character, the Agents of Yesterday recruit: level 59. Andorian Tactical officer. MK 14 weapons.

    Overall, I would say that this account is very well developed: there are many ships available, all bought to increase the effectiveness of one character or the entire account through, for example, ship traits. Most characters also have several special and very expensive ships for themselves, as well as other things like uniforms to give them something special and allow them to distinguish themselves in ways beyond their fighting capabilities.

    Most characters have been given specific attention for months, either right after creation or later on, to further develop them and all of them have been given some degree of continuous attention since their creation. Most of them can easily be considered elite characters who are capable of completing ground or space, or in the four cases described above, both types of content, with relatively great ease.

    Combined with the huge amounts of resources available, this account will allow you to quickly play whichever content you like, in multiple roles and in all factions, with many ships and different set-ups and in all regions of the game.
    If you wish to receive more specific information about a character or the account as a whole, be it textual or graphic information or confirmation of the descriptions, please do not hesitate to ask. I am happy to provide answers and, if needed, evidence of the descriptions given here.

    Final note:
    Besides the huge amount of time invested in the account, I have also spent the equivalent of somewhere between 1250 and 1500 dollars to develop it: to give just a very basic indication, the C-store ships alone are worth over 65.000 zen or $650, using # prices. Lifetime membership is worth $200 at # prices. The character-bound lobi ships and gear are at least just as expensive. Add to that the huge amount of resources + all the costs and time spent on a daily basis to get and upgrade gear and outfitting the characters in general, and I think $1500 is a reasonable price. It is # though, so feel also free to make an offer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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