Sold Selling Still Selling Day 1 Account, +10 Brave Lyn added and more!

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chima0823, 10/3/17.

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  1. Chima0823

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    Still looking to sell my Day 1 Fire Emblem Heroes Account since I've been spending too much time and money on it lately.

    I have pictures to show of the now over 200 5 star heroes total (including merges), with a full Horse emblem team including a +10 S/S supported Lyn, and enough materials for an armor team or a flier team, and SI'd blade tome users as well. The account also has, as of this post, 160k feathers, 104 stamina potions, 124 dueling crests, and 318 total heroes, I saved a ton of things good for skill inherit #, and a ton of 4 star versions of my 5 stars for future promotion. I also have enough badges and crystals for all of them.

    I also have every GHB hero and Sacred Seal as well, including heroes from redux quests, and everything from Tempest Trials. Nothing has been skipped, Oct Tempest Trials is on track to be done tomorrow. I'll be playing continuously until sold.

    There's been a lot of money and effort poured into this game, so serious offers only please, you can send offers to [email protected]. Thank you!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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