Selling my MOUNT TYRANNAS (PVP) account. 65 Ninja (Elin) with Starfall and other PvP pieces bought through BG credits. She comes with weapon skins and some dyeable costumes. Founder account, lots of account bound mounts, max character slots.. also has Tier 8 status for purchasing in their rewards store, also an okay amount of gold.. I think between 25-50k gold, can't remember. Can clear all dungeons if you know how to properly play the class. Priest (Elin) is level 65, full Tensus +15/+15/+13/+12, has A LOT of costumes and most of them are dyeable, has felicity, and 3 other bank pets. Brawler is level 65, geared to farm. Warrior is 65, geared to farm. Gunner is 65, geared to farm and can probably run some of the newer dungeons, they're in the gear set under Starfall (I can't remember the name), was my alt. DPS class. I stopped playing TERA around May 2016, so everything up until then I most likely have. The Ninja should still be pretty up to date as far as gear goes, the gear should be good enough to get whatever new gear sets TERA has at the moment. I can't remember what gear sets the brawler and warrior have, but I never really played them. gg. Asking $100 for the account, I've spent thousands on this god damn game for elite, costumes, pets, mounts, you name it. I'd be pretty damn happy if I had this account to start.