I have decided to sell my account to the highest bid. I am new to this site so I am not sure exactly how payment etc. is done but I have paypal and eBay (verified and 100% feedback). I will try to post all the details of the account but if I leave off some detail please just ask. I am not too familiar with current prices so I am open to all offers. My line ID is p0k1natchapunks and my email is [email protected] /* */ or you can reply to this thread and I will be notified. Thanks Jedi Knight: Level 95 (Exp: 8947/9975) could go up if I play more before this sells EP: 209 Max Cost: 262 Battle Strength of Formation: 600k-700k depending on formation 5 million+ credits Here is my complete card list. All cards are properly evo'd except the one noted that I received in a trade. 5 Stars Boba Fett (non-tradeable) Grand Moff Tarkin (non-tradeable) Chewbacca Luke Skywalker May the 4th (evoMax) X2 (1 is non-tradeable) Admiral Ackbar (skill 10) 4 Stars Adi Galia X2 Adi Galia (evoMax) Adi Galia (evoMax) non-proper, rec'd in trade Anakin Skywalker (kid) X2 Anakin Skywalker (kid) (evoMax) Ben Kenobi X2 (one non-tradeable) Ben Kenobi (evoMax) Obi-Wan Kenobi Padawan (evoMax) Ben Kenobi DS (evoMax) Ki-Adi-Mundi (evoMax) skill 31 Sebulba Sebulba (evo1) Bib Fortuna X2 Bib Fortuna (evo1) Mace Windu Mace Windu (evoMax) X2 Boss Nass X2 C-3PO C-3PO (evoMax) skill 40 R2-D2 Agen Kolar (evoMax) Kit Fisto (evoMax) skill 10 Boba Fett (evoMax) Luminara Unduli (evoMax) Clone Commander Cody Clone Commander Cody (evoMax) Clone Commander Bly (dark) Tarful Jan Dodonna (evo2) Chewbacca X2 Chewbacca (evoMax) skill 10 Han Solo X3 Han Solo (evoMax) General Rieeken (evoMax) skill 20 Zuckuss (evoMax) Lando Calrissian (evoMax) skill 6 4-Lom (evoMax) Wicket W Warrick (evo2) Boushh X2 Magnaguard Senate Guard X2 (1 non-tradeable) 3 Stars Anakin Skywalker padawan (evoMax) Dooku (evoMax) Darth Vader (evoMax) X2 Luke Skywalker Tauntaun (evoMax) 2-1B Healer Droideka (evoMax) Acklay (evoMax) Nexu (evoMax) Reek (evoMax) .; bump * Update - Make an offer, I'm not looking for much. Dodonna is now evoMax traded one Adi and one chewie (both 4*) Added 4* Dooku as well.