Sold Selling Standard-all good cards,all golden heroes/expansions,69 legend!,50+ new packs!

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BoboMG, 7/31/17.

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  1. BoboMG

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    Hey people!

    The situation is this: Since I started my new job I have barely any time to play anymore. I pretty much only get rank 5 for the benefits in like half a year now and only when I have more time I get to legend :(
    I invested over 500 euros into this account(jup, its on my paypal if you want proof!) and just want 50% of it back for me. Which comes down to 250€ for my own pocket, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it to sell it here. So give me an offer that considers the fee for the Middleman(or however the system works here is called, of course I want it on my paypal account :D ) and the exchange rate!
    The amount of time is probably in the 10k's of hours so its not that anyone can pay me for that.

    Hopefully I don't forget any information that you might have. Just ask away if you have questiosn!

    I was often legend, probably for more than 10 seasons. All the card backs from i think season 5ish(you prolly won't use any except legend like me xD!) comes with it.
    I played on the American server even though I am from Europe due to most pros being from the US and I wanted to play on the most competetive server.
    There are over 40 cards back on this account.
    All of the heroes are golden!
    Additionally the heroes Liadrin, Maiev & Tyrande.
    Max. 12 wins in arena achived(if that is interesting for you).
    It has some k gold on it(for next expansion, pretty much already got all cards, you can buy 50+ packs from the start!) and some hundreds of dust.

    Now lets get to the most important part. I won't mention commons/rares because I am sure I own all, but I
    can assure you that every card that is good is owned. I can make all the pro decks for years now and got all the
    good carts pretty much from day 1 on every release.
    Their is only one additional thing to say before I go into some listing and that is that I had no interest in golden
    cards. My computer was pretty bad and the animations where more annoying cause it would slow it down or increase the fan speed.
    Once that problem was solved I already had a distain for golden cards so I never collected them. So I only own golden cards if I
    dont have the max quantity in the normal version.
    Also I focused on standard only and dusted all wild cards. I don't know anybody who is interested in wild, but someone
    might have a problem with that.
    Of course all adventures are owned. I might mention them belove because I don't want to think about what might be adventure and what not.
    Ok, a lot of talking, but now lets into the meat. I am going to name only the cards that are currently played in the professional scene.
    These are the cards that are interesting for anybody who wants to play on a high level and reach legend. I own about 90%+ of the cards and only
    miss totally bad cards that are expensive. Like an epic that is incredibely bad like bestial wrath is missing. Or a horrible legend like anomalus.
    I am not mentioning commons because all of them are owned. All # rares are owned, too. So no need of mentioning them.
    I will only mention the epics/legendaries owned.
    For the listing I already use the max quantity for all the # cards and there are mostly 1 off's for non # cards like Pilfered Power. For some cards you only
    need one epic like gluttonous ooze.


    Jungle Giants
    Force of nature
    Living Mana
    lunar visions
    Ancient of War
    Ancient of lore
    Whisps of the old gods
    Giant anaconda
    Kun the forgotten king
    Fandral Staghelm


    The Marsh Queen
    Snake Trap
    Rat Pack
    Piranha Launcher
    Princess Huhuran
    Gladiators Longbow
    Giant Sand Worm
    Call of the Wild


    Open the Waygate
    Primordial Glyph
    Ice Block
    Spell Bender
    Manic Soulcaster
    Cabalist's Tome
    Archmage Antonidas
    Greater Arcane Missiles
    Inkmaster Solia


    Forbidden Healing
    Meanstreet Marshal
    The last kaleidosaur
    Vilefin Inquisitor
    Primalfin Champion
    Small-Time Recruits
    Sword of Justice
    Wickerflame Burnbristle
    Avenging Wrath
    Sunkeeper Tarim
    Lay on Hands
    Ragnaros, Lightlord
    Tirion Fordring


    Forbidden Shaping
    Embrace the Shadow
    Shadow Visions
    Curious Glimmerroot
    Lyra the Sunshard
    Raza the Chained
    Cabal Shadow Priest
    Dragonfire Potion

    The Caverns Below
    Edwin VanCleef
    Shaku, the Collector
    Sherazin, Corpse Flower
    Xaril, Poisened Mind
    Lotus Assassin
    Vilespin Slayer
    Luckydo Buccaneer


    Finders Keepers
    Eternal Sentinel
    Far Sight
    Spirit Echo
    Lotus Illusionist
    Earth Elemental
    Hallazeal the Ascended
    Hammer of Twilight
    White Eyes
    Stone Sentinel
    Al'Akir the Windlord
    Kalimos, Primal Lord


    Lakkari Sacrifice
    Clutchmother Zavas
    Chittering Tunneler
    Unlicensed Apothecary
    Bane of Doom
    Kabal Trafficker
    Twisting Nether
    Lord Jaraxxus


    Fire Plume's heart
    Shield Slam
    Explore Un'Goro
    Sleep with the Fishes
    Blood Warriors
    Brass Knuckles
    Tentacles for Arms
    Grommash Hellscream


    Hungry Crab
    Weasel Tunneler
    Dirty Rat
    Blood Knight
    Fel Orc Soulfiend
    Gluttonous Ooze
    Murloc Warleader
    Southsea Captain
    Cyclopian Horror
    Faceless Shambler
    Gentle Megasaur
    Twilight Summoner
    Big Game Hunter
    Bittertide Hydra
    Burgle Bully
    Crazed Worshipper
    Faceless Manipulator
    Validated Doomsayer
    Defias Cleaner
    Fight Promoter
    Scaled Nightmare
    Wind-Up Burglebot
    Primordial Drake
    Torrollan Primalist
    Blood of the Ancient one
    Sea Giant
    Arcane Giant
    Mountain Giant
    Molten Giant

    Patches, the Pirate
    Bloodmage Thalnos
    Sergeant Sally
    Tinkmaster Overspark
    Spiritsinger Umbra
    The Vorraxx
    Captain Greenskin
    Elise the Trailblazer
    Finja, the Flying Star
    Harrison Jones
    Leeroy Jenkins
    Prince Malchezaar
    Aya Blackpaw
    Carine Bloodhoof
    Madam Goya
    The Black Knight
    Baron Geddon
    Don Han'cho
    Hogger, Doom of Elwynn
    The Curate
    Twin Emperor Vek'lor
    Medivh, the Guardian
    Deathwing, Dragonlord
    N'Zoth, the Corrupter
    Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
    Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound

    In total there are 69 legends.I don't think I forgot anything. In case you got questions if I own a single,
    feel free to do so. But I am sure I have all the cards you might even consider to want.
    So this will stay up for quite some time and I hope someone worthy will pick it up from where I left off.
    For tracking purposes I won't mention which other games I own on the account, but I bought the games for about 70 euro at the time.
    But I don't mind this if I just get the money from my HS account back.

    Sadly I won't go down with the price, because I know what my account is worth and this is the ABSOLUTE minimum. Its one that maybe 10k people own.
    Thanks for your attention and I hope somebody is interested.

    PS: Some cards might be not there and others added(I made the list about a month ago and some cards came into # and dusted others, but nothing
    that is not good today :D, its mostly 1-2 epics that are terrible)
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