Selling Selling Stage 39/kog/ur 37/sr 69/ it has 2x mirror wall

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by jpgj92, 3/3/17.

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  1. jpgj92

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    Retired from duel links and willing to sell my account for reasonable price $120 (#)

    S1: Gold 5
    S2: KOG
    S3: Plat 3
    S4: Silver 2
    KC Cup: Played only 3 games and it needs to work on event mission WARNING* KC cup will end in 3 days

    Yami Yugi: MAX
    Kaiba: LVL 26
    Jounochi: LVL 7
    Kujaku Mai: LVL 22
    Anzu: LVL 9
    Insector Haga: LVL 12
    Ryuzaki: LVL 29
    Mako Tsunami: LVL 2
    Keith: LVL 20
    Ishizu Ishtar: LVL 1
    Rishido: LVL 1
    Pegasus: LVL 11


    Ive sold many accounts here and gain trust from fellow buyers, my only rule of thumb is either you go first or we call a trusted middleman here(you must pay)
    Payment is via itunes gift card due to I play other games and download music.

    For more information contact me:
    playerup inbox
    Email: [email protected]
    Facebook.: [email protected]
    skype: johnny.galarion.jr

    Sorry I dont use kik due to too many trolls and sketchy people.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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