Sold Selling Stacked US account with rare armor sets and 500M credits.

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by itsanenigma, 11/15/17.

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  1. itsanenigma

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    Revans armor set
    Revan Reborn armor set
    Malgus armor set
    Tulak Hord armor set
    Satele Shan armor set
    Unrelenting terror armor set
    Agile recon armor set
    Mandolorian Hunter set
    Mandolore the preserver
    Mandolore the ultimate
    Mask of Nihilus
    Ceremonial Mystic armor set
    gold sith trooper set
    All gree armor sets (scalene)
    And many more armor sets.

    mounts include Dominator's Command Throne, Overlord throne, meditation chair mount, and Zakuul Overseer's Dais.

    Weapons include the vented saber (kylo Ren style), Satele Shans sparring saber, Cathar honor sword, cathar warstaff, and more.

    70 Mercenary (Full 240 gear)
    70 sentinel (Full 236 Gear)
    70 Marauder (Full 246 gear)
    70 Assassin (Full 246 gear)
    70 Juggernaut (Tank, full 240 gear)
    70 Juggernaut (DPS, full 246 gear)

    All characters do very well in ranked PVP (3000+ Rating) and 100% op achievements. Very well balanced PVP/PVE account.

    Asking price is $150 USD. These characters are on a US server. 3900 Cartel coins on the account and over 500M credits across all characters. I am the original owner and the account has never been banned or suspended. Accepting Paypal only. Contact me via email and we can do business, hopefully.
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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