Sold Selling Square Enix account with 3 x FFXI and 1 x FFXIV Collectors edition accounts

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Critamon, 7/5/17.

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  1. Critamon

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    Hello, i want to sell this Square Enix account with 3 x FFXI service accounts and 1x FFXIV Collectors edition account. Im original owner, but i didnt played since 2015, so i dont remember much about chars. All i was able to retrieve information on main char from FFXIAH. Its Mithra on Ragnarok server. Other chars are low level i believe.


    There is also second account with 1 char and third account that states "Linked Playonline IDs that need to be transfered". Not sure whats in it .

    For FFXIV it has Heavenward expansion registered. Main char is Female Hyur Midlander on Ragnarok server.

    I checked, if i remember IDs and password. I was able to login to all accounts.

    If interested, please send message here, or email [email protected]
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