Sold Selling Spiritshaper lvl 79

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FBUser8269, 11/4/17.

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  1. FBUser8269

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    Selling Spiritshaper on Moonsea server, 324k Might Score, 183k Gear Score, 70 cultivation points

    Got a lot of materials for lvl 70 + gears. Got a lot of Azure Tickets, Red Tickets.

    Have a lot of costumes. Also i have the cat mount. :)

    Soul Grid : Outer Circles lvl 5-6 inner circle 4.

    Golden Talisman, Lvl 4 Badge.

    Extra skill page, attribute page

    If you want more info pm me on
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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