Selling Special Force's DFI Account Rank:1 STAR (Blue) Duplicate From Special Force PH Guns:Gold Tango,Templar Uzi,Tiger Galil,Psg1,Ak74,Viper M945c,M945c, For Those Who Interested Just Send A Message in my FB account Containing the Price You have to buy this Account .. Location:Pasig Area Not Open in SMART PADALA,Only Meet .. Not A Scammer,Sure Seller ..
3STAR RED with 44GUNS, 13WL with YM and (Picture: RANK,GUNS,IGN in GAMECLUB). EXAMPLE GUN: ROCKET7 HK416,TEMPLAR UZI,GOLD AK74 and others. lots of WEAPON LOTTOS and PISTOLS too. 4,500PHP no less,sure buyers. METRO MANILA AREA. PM ME only. can trade to GADGETS offer me worth (5-5.5k)